Para estudantes e investigadores | 28 de junho de 2022
Este simpósio será transmitido ao vivo somente, não haverá gravação, então marque já na sua agenda!
Você conhece o processo de publicação? Gostaria de saber mais para poder lhe ajudar na publicação da sua investigação? Durante este evento, daremos dicas e ferramentas para apoiar seu ciclo de investigação, assim como conselhos e informações para redação de artigos e sobre expectativas dos revisores e editores. Tudo isso afim de lhe ajudar na aceitação do seu artigo. Nossos consultores e editores estarão disponíveis para responder à todas às vossas perguntas.
Algumas sessões serão em português e outras em inglês, de acordo como mencionado na agenda.
• 9h30-9h45 (Welcome: How to assess your research innovation? (Portuguese) • 9h45-10h15 Understanding reviewers and editors expectations -Editor/publisher (English) • 10h15-10h30 Where to publish? Tools and considerations to help you in the journal’s choice (Portuguese) • 10h30-11h How can Scopus help answer researchers’s most pressing questions? (Portuguese) • 11h30-12h How can you stay up-to-date on good evidence based medicine practices with Embase (English) • 12h-12h30 How to define the innovation of your chemistry research workflow with Reaxys (English) • 14h-14h20 Let ScienceDirect do the work ! (Portuguese) • 14h20-15h Surviving Peer-review Editor/publisher (English) • 15h-15h30 How Mendeley can help you save time during your article preparation
Marta Da Pian, PhD (Customer Consultant for Life Sciences @Elsevier) In 2019 she joined Elsevier as European Customer Consultant for Life Sciences solutions. As a hobby, she collaborates with the Forensic Chemistry research group at the University of Padua. Marta earned her M.Sc. in chemistry in 2013 in a joint project between the University of Padua and the University of Twente, working on bioactive materials based on polymeric nanoblends. In 2018 she completed her PhD at University Ca’ Foscari of Venice. In 2016 she conducted part of her PhD at Freie Universität Berlin in Prof. Schalley Lab and was awarded with the Reaxys – Italian Chemical Society Young Researcher Award. She then did a Post-Doc at the University of Padua developing antibody drug systems aimed at cancer diagnosis and therapy. She is the coordinator of the Young Group of Societá Chimica Italiana (SCI), young representative for the Organic Chemist Division and the Italian delegate for the International Younger Chemists Network.
Marta Meazza, PhD (Scientific Editor @Elsevier) Marta received her Master degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology from the University of Milan in 2012. She was awarded her PhD in Organic Chemistry in 2016 from the University of Southampton (UK), this was followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, and then another at the University of Southampton (Horizon 2020). After a short experience in a pharmaceutical company, she joined Elsevier as the first Scientific Editor of the Tetrahedron Chem journal. Since 2013, Marta has published 36 papers and has been an active reviewer for leading journals in the field. She specializes in organic synthesis, methodology, in particular organocatalysis, synergistic catalysis and photocatalysis.
Sarah Clichet Rodrigues, PhD (Academic Consultant @Elsevier) Sarah holds Bsc medical laboratory, with a PhD in Hematology, Oncology & Biotherapies. Since 2017 she supports academic institutions and authors as a Academic Consultant at Elsevier. In her role she helps researchers and students make the best use of tools to support their scientific workflow. As hobbys she helps PhD students to explore ‘alternative’ careers, as a member of Cheeky Scientist, and support as a patron Chemins D’avenir, mentoring high school students from rural areas in their high education and career future.